Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Rust was Weird

This week the score from an ebay auction came in: All 13 issues of the 1987 series of Rust by Now Comics. My brother had two issues of this (as it turns out, the last two) when we were kids, and those issues had left us curious about the rest of the comic. 

Well, since I bought them as a gift for my brother, I haven't read them yet, so I can only report what I know from the internet and the two issues I have read, but in brief, Rust is the story of a cop who presumably through some sort of accident gets super-tough skin, acid blood, and a gruesome appearance. The original writer was Steve Miller, but most of the run is written by Fred Schiller. The art is most by Tony Atkins and Jim Brozman.

I gather most of the series is Rust taking on various non-super-powered bad guys. The first issue we read was issue 12 that is the culmination of a storyline involving Rust taking on a cult. It had an eye-catching cover and a preview for Now's Terminator comic. The next issue blurb promises: "the end of the world."

And this was not hyperbole.

The final issue (September 1988) has a deadly plague spreading across the globe. Rust and his (I guess) love interest are separated by events and presumably unaware the other is alive for most of the story. It's a hell of a way to bring a truncated run to an end!

While I admire the audacity of that ending, it's no wonder the 2nd Rust series in 1989 completely ignores it.

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