Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Our League of Monsters Zuda Pitch

Due to extenuating circumstances, I don't have a regular post, but have something different to enjoy today. Before Zuda called it quits, Pierre and I were planning to submit a new League of Monsters story to Zuda. Click the image below to see the first 8 pages.

These first 8 pages were all created without any script or plot by Pierre, who sent them to me to dialogue as a sort of project kickstart. Having to devine a a story and dialogue from sequential pages of art was actually pretty hard, but after sort of letting the pages *talk to me* for a while, the story materialized.

Unfortunately, Zuda is no more, so while Pierre and I won't be able to see how it would have done in the contest (which was always a fickle thing anyway) we have every intention of finishing the story ourselves.

So consider this a preview! I hope you enjoy it!

- Jim


  1. Ok,
    I really dug that. I think you did an excellent job of capturing the look (Pierre) and feel (Jim) of a 70's action/monster movie with time travel/nazi undertones.

    Besides, any time a book has the PURPLE PUMA in it is a book I want to read, and I love it when the "Brute" character takes two others and smashes them together. Classic move.

  2. When I look at it Cardinal Syn has a very Byrne-ish look to his design. The kind of dude you would see in a last panel reveal during Byrne's FF run. That's the vibe I got off of him.

    Jim, I think you did a pretty good job adding dialog to the images. If you hadn't told us in the post I don't think I would have even considered that it wasn't written before the art was made.

    I do have one question though, I've always been curious as to why you guys don't have radio buttons underneath on your webomics page.

  3. @MattComix
    That webcomic set up is pretty unique isn't it?

  4. @Caine - Thank you! Yeah, Pierre came up with a nice plot for this story using some characters he had created ages ago.

  5. @MattComix - Pierre will like the Byrne comparison. I can totally see that as well. It's strange that Byrne was so big in the industry, but very few artists actually emulate him nowdays. I guess you could say the same thing about Kirby.

    Question - what do you mean about Radiobuttons? Do you mean a Back and Forward button? I have them on the sides, but maybe underneath would be better perhaps?


    In one of my many blogs in progress... I had a Blog about our Zuda pitch that never was.... but I guess I will need to tweak it somewhat now I guess.

    Jim knows me too much... It's scary. ;) I LOVE that Byrne comparison. Heck often when I draw... was I try to do in the back of my mind is to try to match what Byrne & Rubenstein did magnificiently in their Captain America run.

    Although short... damn those were great comics.

    Jim did a GREAT job... not only adding dialogs... but also coming up with the rest of the tale. But more about that in a future Blog.

    But thanks guys.

    At some point.. you will be able to read the whole tale.

    Stay tuned. ;)

  7. @Jim. Having the buttons underneath seems to be the common thing for webcomics. Though let me say that I do genuinely enjoy that Flashback doesn't have a standard set-up.

    I just noticed on my laptop in order to keep the buttons on the screen and not have to scroll I have to adjust my zoom from "normal" to "small".
