Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Crimson Movie Update

Mister Crimson in a movie part 2 - back in March I mentioned how filmmaker Ken Cosentino had contacted me about a superhero movie he was making - which (at the time) coincidentally featured a character named Mister Crimson. Well, today I'm happy to present some photos from the movies set with a glimpse of some of the crew of the movies as well. (click pictures to see full size)

Front row from L to R: Gus Posey, who plays the main villain, corrupt businessman Boyd Emerson. To his right is Rob Thong, Back row, L to R, James Ventry, Ken Cosentino, Gary Marino, Matthew Catanese and Don Freeman.

Here is Walter's room - the man obsessed Crimson, the movies title character.

The title character has had a name change (from Mister Crimson to Crimson) because we all thought it might be a little less legally complicated, but there are some neat Mister Crimson Easter Eggs in the movie.

Among the scattered items in the room, you will see some of the image's of Seth Sherwood's and Diego Tripodi's Mister Crimson, a nice tip of the hat courtesy of Ken.

Thank you Ken for sharing the pictures! Please keep us updated!

- Jim

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