Friday, February 22, 2008

Random Screenshots: Remembering Steve Gerber

While I was up in Rock Hill last week, Steve Gerber passed away.

To say I was a fan of Steve Gerber's work is quite an understatement. In many ways, I feel his stories and ideas defined the Bronze Age New Ideas era better than anyone else. (Jim Starlin and Steve Englehart run close seconds...)

It would be pointless for me to try and sum up my thoughts on Mr. Gerber, because so many people have already done a much better job than I could ever do.

For one of the best, check out Steven Grant's amazing tribute to Steve Gerber here

What I would like to do is show you what Pirate Bay is doing...

I don't know how Mr. Gerber would feel about the idea of his lifes work being distributed via torrents from now until forever, but it's nice to see the scanners remember him like this...

Meanwhile, at Newsarama...
A poster named Layters, upset by the idea that Marvel is going to charge $3.99 a pop for the Secret Invasion series as started what amounts to a personal crusade against $4.00 comics (something I feel is going to happen soon...) Layters started a thread called:

When Books his $3.99 will you drop books or switch to trade?

On this thread he has a poll asking people what will they do when comics are $4.00 a pop. Here are the results so far...

Only 16% of the respondents said they would continue to buy monthly comics.
Almost 50% of the people said they would Get Less Books...

Somehow, I don't think the comics these readers are considering Getting Less of are Secret Invasion, but rather the more fringe books. Already this year, we've seen the cancellation of The Order and ShadowPact.

Not sure how such an increase would affect Indy publishers. A lot of them are already selling books at $4.00 a pop...

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