Monday, January 14, 2008

Free Comics Monday

I'm going to start a new Monday feature where I upload some comics in Public Domain for people to download. Another site has a huge library of such comics, but the interface for downloading them intimidates some people (so I'm told via emails.)

So, allow me to introduce this weeks Free Digital Golden Age Comic

The Golden Age Daredevil

This original Daredevil was created by Jack Binder for an eight-page backup feature in Lev Gleason Publications' Silver Streak #6 (Sept. 1940). Editor Jack Cole, who would create the classic Plastic Man a year later, revamped the character in the next issue and pitted him against Silver Streak's lead character, the villainous Claw, for a five-issue battle that made Daredevil a star. The final installment was written by Don Rico, who would write the character through Silver Streak #17 (Dec. 1941).

[ Download Daredevil 09 Here ]

[ Download Daredevil 17 Here ]

I might be crossing some line here, so let me know what you think about this Free Comic Monday idea. If enough people like it, I'll continue. If I get a cease and desist, I'll stop. :)

1 comment:

  1. This is a fantastic idea! Pubic Domain stuff always fascinates me.

    I remember reading about Golden Age Daredevil as a kid - we had a Encyclopedia of Super-Heroes in my Middle School library, and I used to spend everyday at lunch pouring over that thing.
